Saturday, August 20, 2016

dear ashamed adult me

if you survive.  if you are there.  in an unknown future.
shame must be.  your constant companion.

he hurts. and humiliates.  mercilessly.

with dark.  devious.  dirty.  calculating.

power and force.  manipulation and control.

i feel.  weak.  abandoned.  helpless.  mortified.


hope fades.  but flickers -

when i think of jesus.  run to jesus.  hold onto jesus.
believe jesus.

he walked on earth.  encountered abusive.  selfish.  stubborn.
self centered.  out of control.  people.

he promises us.  we will have trouble.  in this world.

he encourages us.  to take heart.

he assures us.  he has overcome.  the world.

he paid for sin.  defeated death.  forgives sin.  offers life.

i believe.

he knows.  knows all.

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