Thursday, August 4, 2016

dear chaotic child me

his daily terror.

violent tantrums.  habitual torment.  gruesome abuse.

create chaos.

in your body.  your soul.  your spirit.

catastrophic chaos.  inside.  and out.

you try so hard.  to be strong.  tough.  brave.

and you are.

you carry the chaos.  with quiet strength.  sheer will power.
wild imagination.  twisted rebellion.

one day.  you see.  the damage done to you.  it disturbs you.

he poisoned you.  every part of you.  you see clearly.  how f*!^ed up you are.
and that you will.  resemble your abuser.  if you don't reject his lies.

you begin an arduous.  healing.  journey.  to resemble your creator.

jesus.  nurtures you.  cleanses you.  forgives you.  redeems you.  knows you.
transforms you.   heals you.  guides you.  teaches you.  holds you.  restores you.
comforts you.  loves you.

because of jesus-

you survived.

you are still overcoming.

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